
largeCycling Seniors is dedicated to mature cyclists.  That is those over 55 who regularly, or even occasionally, spend time in the saddle.  It is a blog, but by no means does it concern only my own exploits and nostalgia in a Lycra kit.

I am a road cyclist.  I know of many seniors who ride on gravel, on mountain trails, and on trainers in their rumpus rooms.

I always seem to desire to improve, whatever that means at any given time, so I will share the best advice and practices I can find from those who are renown for training mature cyclists.  The accomplishments of fellow cyclists will be highlighted.

Bikes, equipment, nutrition, computers, and all the stuff that come into play in the cycling life will be detailed.

I also have a great interest the professional cycling.  I will report on races, careers of pro cyclists.  I hope the coverage will inspire you to take your own deep dive into the people and events that are at the top of our sport.

Ride on,

Richard Chowning